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Meet the TSP team, learn more about us and our vision for the future of teacher attraction, recruitment and development.

About Us

TSP is a leading provider of research-based teacher attraction, selection, development and retention tools. Our school-based simulations help you identify and nurture effective teachers, mentors, and school leaders. TSP’s solutions have been implemented across the globe with over 150,000 educators across all career stages.

Our Vision

Our Team

About us and the TSP team. Robert Klassen, founder and director.

Rob Klassen

Founder & Director

About us and the TSP team. Robyn Andrews, co-founder and chief executive officer

Robyn Andrews

Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer

About us and the TSP team. Liz Maxwell, co-founder and Global Business Development manager.

Liz Maxwell

Co-Founder, Global Business Development

About us and the TSP team. Jade Rushby, co-founder and Product Development manager.

Jade Rushby

Co-Founder, Product Development

Jamile Dabul

Product Developer

Mark Davies

Creative Designer

Tracy Durksen

Research Associate

Rebecca Snell

Education Consultant