T-Insight: Adv Behaviour Management Course
Create classroom environments so all students succeed with our T-Insight advanced behaviour management course. Level- specific content. Ideal for early career teachers and Masters level / elective options within teacher education.
Get started
After enrolling, we will send participants an activation email. This email will enable them to create a TSP account and access the course through the dashboard.
Course modules
Module One: Inclusive and positive interactions with students
This module focuses on building positive relationships with students. Expert teachers share how they create a stimulating learning environment where students are motivated, engaged and encouraged to try out new ideas.
Module Two: Behaviour for learning
This module focuses on how teachers can develop an awareness of their own behaviour in students. Expert teachers share strategies and approaches for motivating reluctant learners, making learning interesting and managing challenging behaviour.
Module Three: Preventing teacher burnout and handling stress
Burnout has always been a risk for teachers but the possibility of this has never been higher. Expert teachers share how they take charge of their own wellbeing, identify stress and how they manage it. The importance of teacher wellbeing is discussed and teachers learn some valuable ways to develop self-regulation skills.
In each module, beginning teachers will view five scenarios, rate the appropriateness of three possible responses, and write a brief rationale for each. They will then discover how experienced teachers rated each response and, most importantly, why.
Feedback reports
At the end of each module, experienced teachers show new teachers their overall alignment and provide resources, readings, and strategies for practice in feedback reports.
Once participants finish the course, they can download a comprehensive report and a certificate of completion.
Track progress
Organisations have the ability to track participant progress, identify individuals in need of additional support, and evaluate the effectiveness of the course by viewing individual and collective data after logging in.
Course resources
Hosting seminars in conjunction with the T-Insight courses is completely optional and depends on your requirements and preferences. However, you can choose to facilitate guided group discussions as a great way to encourage your students and/or staff to discuss the classroom scenarios and related educational concepts and issues in more depth. We provide resources and seminar guides that you can utilise to lead seminars following each T-Insight module, which are designed to:
a) Stimulate discussion amongst participants
b) Enable participants to share multiple perspectives of teaching & learning
c) Further build participants’ teaching confidence and classroom readiness.