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Governments and NGOs

Develop a Strategy for your Context

TSP’s online learning and development platform hosts a complete selection of solutions that can be adapted to face the unique challenges facing governments and NGOs. Co-design a strategy to achieve the outcomes you need & work with us to develop custom content for your unique context

Ignite Interest in Teaching

Acute teacher shortages and poor teacher standards  in many parts of the world have significant implications for future economic equality and progress. T-Attract helps government and non-governmental organisations to reach ideal potential teacher education applicants via cost effective digital channels.

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Evidence-Based Selection Processes

Our researchers have developed and honed T-Screen’s evidence-based selection processes for more than 12 years. T-Screen has proven to reduce bias in selection and reliably identify the best candidates at scale, enabling you to invest in the right talent to develop your teacher workforce and future school leaders.

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Retain & Develop the Teaching Workforce

Professional development is vital, especially in the early stages of a teacher’s career. T-Insight courses build competence and confidence across different career stages and enable you to monitor the progress and performance of your teachers.

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