Early-Career Teacher Education Courses
Early-Career Teacher Education Courses
TSP’s online early-career teacher education courses help to build teacher competence & confidence. Courses utilise a ‘scenario-based learning’ (SBL) methodology that support the development of non-cognitive teaching behaviours essential to classroom success.
Initial Teacher
Education (ITE) Courses
CPD Courses
for Beginning Teachers
How do T-Insight courses help teacher development?
Our award-winning T-Insight courses utilise a scenario-based learning (SBL) methodology to provide beginning teachers with the opportunity to experience near-world scenarios, whilst receiving real-time feedback and suggestions from more experienced teachers. T-Insight courses engage teachers in compelling, interactive problem-solving and decision-making that is relevant to the level or subject they are teaching. In a sense, T-Insight mirrors best practice; courses are personalised and adaptive.
How does SBL help teacher development?
Scenario-based learning (SBL) is a teaching strategy that utilises simulated environments to replicate real-world job conditions without real-world consequences. In essence, participants learn by doing, in a risk-free setting. Teachers are guided to explore multiple possibilities and learn from those more experienced, allowing them to develop a more nuanced understanding of teaching. T-Insight courses use this methodology to create a supportive and collaborative online environment that helps develop teacher knowledge, build reflective practice and boost confidence and classroom readiness.
Assessed Attributes
Emotion Management
Client Testimonial
“Since working with TSP we’ve noted remarkable shifts in school leader competency and associated student learning.”
Deborah Kimathi
Executive Director of Dignitas