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Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Courses

Visual of Initial Teacher Education course

Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Courses

Our online Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses help ITE Providers to build competence and confidence in their pre-service teachers. Courses utilise a ‘scenario-based learning’ (SBL) methodology to make the first steps into the classroom a little less daunting.

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Our ITE Courses

Classroom Confidence


A visual depicting TSP's 'Learn to Teach' Primary ITE course.

Immerse pre-service teachers in teaching simulations to develop confidence and competence. This course can be offered to applicants pre-program as well as in program.

Reflective Practice


A visual depicting TSP's 'How to Teach' Primary ITE course.

Consolidate knowledge and develop reflective practice. This course is ideal for pre-service teachers who have some classroom experience.

Classroom Confidence


A visual depicting TSP's 'Learn to Teach' Secondary ITE course.

Immerse pre-service teachers in teaching simulations to develop confidence and competence. This course can be offered to applicants pre-program as well as in program.

Reflective Practice


A visual depicting TSP's 'How to Teach' Secondary ITE course.

Consolidate knowledge and develop reflective practice. This course is ideal for pre-service teachers who have some classroom experience.

Adv Behaviour Management

A visual of TSPs 'Advanced Behaviour Management' ITE course

Create classroom environments so all students can succeed. Level specific content. Ideal for Masters level / elective options within teacher education programs.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

A visual of TSPs 'Equality, Diversity and Inclusion' ITE course.

Create an environment of mutual trust and respect and celebrate diversity. Level specific content. Ideal for Masters level / elective options within teacher education programs.


  • Award-winning courses
  • 3-4 modules per course, 5-6 scenarios per module
  • Instant data insights for host organisations via your ‘dashboard’
  • Technical support
  • Seminar guides for host institutions
  • Supports teachers in the early stages of their career
  • Real-time feedback reports from experts
  • 1-Year Licence
  • Worldwide access via TSPs secure platform

Pricing & Licensing

Contact us for a discussion about the best way to implement T-Insight for your organisation. Pricing starts from as little as £19 per user. We also offer a consultancy service for bespoke content.