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T-Insight: Learn to Teach Secondary Course

Learn to teach with our T-Insight Secondary-level course aimed at developing confidence and competence of pre-service teachers. This course can be offered to applicants pre-program as well as in program.

Get started

Once enrolled, participants will be sent an activation email. This will allow them to create a TSP account and access the course through the dashboard.

Course modules

Module One: Behaviour Management
This module discusses the importance of developing positive relationships with students and why using consistent approaches to behaviour management is so important. It outlines effective ways to use rewards and sanctions in learning and teaching. Expert teachers share ways they document behaviour and how students can be grouped to minimise disruption.

Module Two: Adapting teaching
This modules outlines how new teachers can adapt teaching and learning by task and outcome and ways to engage students in their learning to maximise participation. Expert teachers discuss how they use extension and enrichment activities, and how they teach gifted and talented students. Finally, teachers talk about the importance of ‘thinking on your feet.’

Module Three: Time management
This module introduces new teachers to effective ways to manage their workload, and the pros and cons of taking on extra responsibilities. Expert teachers share the value of prioritising tasks and discuss the value of feedback for learning. Finally, the module helps new teachers deal with accountability measures.

Module Four: Communicating with students, parents and colleagues
This module focuses on effective ways to communicate with students, parents and colleagues. It does this through the lens of parent-teacher meetings and planning whole school events. Finally, it helps new teachers recognise the importance of a work-life balance.


Each module includes five scenarios where beginning teachers will view the scenario, rate the appropriateness of three possible responses and write a brief rationale for each. Next, they find out how experienced teachers rated each response and most importantly why.

Feedback reports

Feedback reports at the end of each module show new teachers their overall alignment with experienced teachers and include resources, readings and strategies for practice.


Once participants complete the course, they will be able to download a comprehensive report as well as a certificate of completion.

Track progress

Organisations can login to track participant progress, identify individuals in need of additional support and evaluate the effectiveness of the course by viewing individual and collective data.

Course resources

Hosting seminars in conjunction with the T-Insight courses is completely optional and depends on your requirements and preferences. However, guided group discussions can be a great way to encourage your students and/or staff to discuss the classroom scenarios and related educational concepts and issues in more depth. We offer resources and seminar guides that you can use to facilitate seminars following each T-Insight module that are designed to:

a) Stimulate discussion amongst participants

b) Enable participants to share multiple perspectives of teaching & learning

c) Further build participants’ teaching confidence and classroom readiness.