Governments and NGOs
Teacher Success Platform (TSP) supports governments and NGOs facing ongoing challenges to recruit and retain teachers and school leaders.
Teacher attraction solutions
Teacher attraction solutions
Acute teacher shortages in many parts of the world are a growing concern. T-Attract helps government and non-governmental organisations reach potential applicants through realistic job previews. T-Attract helps future teachers self-evaluate their suitability for the profession and is a research-proven recruitment intervention.
Applicant selection solutions
Applicant selection solutions
Government and non-governmental organisations need to ensure their selection tools are reliable and valid. T-Screen is a context-rich situational judgment test, developed by researchers over 12 years. T-Screen can be delivered at scale to support selection decisions in multiple contexts.
Teacher retention solutions
Teacher retention solutions
Ensuring there will be enough experienced teachers to teach students in the future is a global concern. Professional development, especially in the early stages of a teacher’s career, is vital. T-Insight courses build competence and confidence across different career stages.